Yongseo related interviews, fancams and etc.
Yong's Love Confession?
Yong's ideal girl desription. Hmmm, sounds familiar?
OMO! Yong lost his precious! Ottoke?!
Taeyeon: He's married to our maknae
Yong: I have her number
Yonghwa talks about Seohyun
Yong VS Jack Sparrow
Seohyun talks about Yonghwa
Seohyun talks about Yonghwa #2
Yong's ideal type, who is she?
The tale of the lost ring
Yong talks about Hyun
Hyun's reaction when CNblue won at GDA
Yongseo GDA Behind the scenes
Yong's 100 Sec Speed Interview
Yonghwa & Onew talks about Seohyun TRANSLATION HERE
Yong showing off his precious
Jung Seobang
OMO! who are you hugging Yong?! 0_o
Yong's Jeju Plans
Yong's mentions Hyun at First Step Press Conference
source: yongseointernational credit : yongseo fans
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