Tarik napas dalam2 Boice dan Primadonna…… baru baca berita ini ya!!!
Untuk CN Blue event, klik disini
Dear CN Blue Fans,We would like to inform you that Indonesia will be listed on CN Blue Asia Tour Concert 2011. In completing our events, we need your participation and availability on this event.
Please choose attend, if you want to have CN Blue Asia Concert 2011 with detail below:Date : May/June 2011 (we will confirmed the fix date later)
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Jakarta Time)
Venue: (not confirmed yet)We do need your support to make this event happens.Cheers!
Untuk FT Island event, klik disini
A Calling for FT Island Fans!Gladly we inform you that FT Island will include Indonesia on their concert list. We wish we can make this happens on January 2011.
But, as per we always said, your support is our determination.Please choose attend, if you want to have FT Island Concert 2011 with detail below:Date : January 2011 (month is confirmed but we will fix the date later)
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Jakarta Time)
Venue: (not confirmed yet)We do need your support to make this event happens.Cheers!
So, untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut silahkan tanyakan langsung pada pihak yg bersanngkutan lewat FACEBOOK atau TWITTER. Ayo BOICE dan PRIMADONNA Indonesia, dukung acara ini yaaa… goodluck^^
itu…itu… my hongki bakal dateng???? Jonghyun, Minhwan, dll pe lupa namanya!!aaaaa……….. mau nonton!!!! mudah2an acaranya beneran jadi, amiennnnnnnnn!!!
source : Dreamcatcher Indonesia FB
credit: addictedkorea
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