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Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

YoonA facts [Fakta Yoona]

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indonesian people dengan bahasa indonesia klik dibawah ini
1. Yoona lahir pada 30 Mei 1990.
2. YoonA memiliki julukan Deer (rusa) karena tingkahnya yang sangat aktif.
3. Yoona memiliki julukan YoonA Nya (Strong YoonA) karena dia merupakan member terkuat di SNSD, bahkan mungkin bisa dibilang member terkuat di antara semua member GB Korea.
4. Yoona merupakan 3nd Leader Dance of SNSD.
5. YoonA merupakan anak bungsu dari 2 bersaudara.
6. YoonA memiliki seorang eonnie (kakak perempuan).
7. YoonA telah ditinggal ibunya saat masih kecil karena bercerai.
8. Saat ini, YoonA merupakan kebanggaan keluarganya.
9. Jika disuruh memilih, YoonA lebih suka kalung sebagai item/perhiasan favoritnya.
10. YoonA merupakan salah satu member paling jahil dan usil di SNSD.
11. Sebelum debut, SM pernah meminta dengan sangat kepada Yoona, “Tolong bersikaplah layaknya perempuan”
12. Salah satu kejahilan Yoona, dia pernah membangunkan Yuri tengah malam hanya untuk nunjukin kaki ayam, dan ntu bikin Yuri BT
13. Yoona dan Jessica pernah membuat kimbab dan sandwich “beracun” buat ngerjain Sooyoung dan Tiffany dengan mencampuri bahan makanan dengan berbagai bumbu secara berlebihan, lalu Sooyoung ngebalas dengan membuat sereal dengan campuran garam (hampir 1 bungkus) dan member yang kena adalah Yoona, Yuri dan Sunny
14. YoonA pernah dikerjain sama Taeyeon & Hyoyeon dengan dibekali coklat pahit.
15. Yoona pernah nakut-nakutin Jessica dengan ketimun padahal YoonA tau kalau Jessica membenci ketimun.
16. YoonA tidak bisa memasak (sama seperti Jessica). Eon YoonA gk pantes masak.. Terlalu cantik.. hehehe
17. Saat ditanya “YoonA, kamu adalah member tercantik di SNSD. Benar atau tidak?”. YoonA menjawab “Ne / Ya”.
18. YoonA sangat gemar makan, dan dia merupakan The 2nd Shikshin (God Of Food) setelah Sooyoung.
19. YoonA pernah merasa bahwa dia bukanlah kakak yang baik untuk Seohyun.
20. YoonA pernah berkata bahwa dia kurang suka menyanyi, tetapi sangat menyukai akting.
21. YoonA tidak pernah menyangka kalau seorang Goo Hye Sun sangat mengidolakannya.
22. Di Jepang, makanan favorit YoonA adalah Sukiyaki dan Inari sushi.
23. YoonA memilik tipe kulit kering
24. YoonA selalu menggunakan masker wajah sebelum tidur.
25. YoonA bisa melawan seorang pria, dalam adu panco.
26. saat grup melakukan perjalanan, pekerjaan Yoona adalah membawa koper yang berat.
27. Saat masih trainee dulu Yoona pernah naksir Yuchun TVXQ.
28. Saat sekoloah, Yoona satu sekolah dengan Seohyun.
29. YoonA terkenal sebagai Ratu Iklan karena telah banyak membintangi CF.
30. YoonA dianggap sebagai mascot SNSD.
31. YoonA pernah memarahi member SUJU Karena telah membuat SeoHyun menangis.
32. Yoona dan Hyoyeon pernah balapan sepeda di jalanan di Apgujung.
33. Tulisan mandarin Yoona waktu masih duduk di SMU terjual di web seharga $1.00
34. Saat sekamar Yoona , Sooyoun dan Taeyeon pernah menangkap kecoa dan membakarnya
35. Cerita mengenai pengalaman Yoona, Taeyeon, dan Sooyoung sebagai teman sekamar menjadi legenda bagi SME.
36. FTTS’s Brian pernah bilang di Strong Heart “ aku akan menjadikan Yoona pacarku “. Leeteut langsung ke tempat duduk Yoona dan nutupin kuping Yoona agar Yoona tidak mendengar perkataan Brian, maklum saja, Leetuk menyukai YoonA.
37. Yoona merupakan member SNSD dengan fans terbanyak di Jepang.
38. Fans YoonA mengatakan bahwa YoonA adalah idaman semua pria.
39. Saat awal debut, YoonA sering absen saat SNSD mendapat tawaran CF atau acara lainnya karena dia masih sekolah.
40. Yoona pernah digosipkan berpacaran dengan Taecyeon 2PM, Lee Sung gi dan Yesung SUJU, padahal itu tid ak benar karena mereka lah yang menyuka YoonA.
41. YoonA mengatakan bahwa member GB Tercantik menurutnya Sulli F(x)
42. Ryewook pernah membuat lagu untuk YoonA. Tp aq gk taw judulnya apa.. hehhee
43. Saat Yoona mengikuti tantangan Happy Share, Kang In memberi masukan buat Yoona.
44. YoonA sejujurnya khawatir masalah bahasa Jepang, dan dia akan belajar bahasa Jepang lebih baik lagi
45. Kata-kata Jepang favorit YoonA adalah “Doki Doki” (“Deg-deg” an dalam bahasa Indonesianya) dan “Arigatou Gozaimasu” (Terima Kasih).
46. Para member SNSD berkata, ” YoonA sangat populer dan karena penampilannya di banyak show.”
47. Untuk pertanyaan, siapa member paling populer diantara mereka, Jessica dan Tiffany memilih YoonA sementara Sunny dan Soo Young memilih Tae Yeon.
48. Karena YoonA tampil di sebuah drama, kelompok usia fansnya menjadi bervariasi. Nenek – nenek dan kakek – kakek juga menyukai YoonA.
49. Yoona pernah berlibur dengan fans karena kontes dari Inisfree
50. Yoona sudah 2 kali memenangkan penghargaan Best New Actress (45th Baeksang Arts Awards dan KBS Drama Awards)
51. Angka faforit YoonA adalah 93
52. YoonA tidak menyukai pria yang berwajah maskulin
53. Lagu Faforit YoonA di SNSD adalah Complete.
54. YoonA menyukai warna biru.
55. YoonA memiliki hobi pergi ke kamar mandi anak laki-laki.
56. YoonA gemar bermain Go-Stop (Poker Versi Korea) saat masih SD.
57. Saat masih trainee dulu Yoona pernah naksir Yuchun TVXQ.
58. Dong Woon, Hyun Seung dan Jun Hyung B2ST memilih YoonA sebagai gadis favorit di SNSD
59. Buah faforit YoonA adalah Strawberry
60. Cowok ideal YoonA saat ini adalah Kimura Takuya, padahal sebelumnya adalah Danniel Henne
61. Kalau Yuri suka memanggil YoonA karena ingin mendengar suara lucu YoonA, beda halnya dengan Tiffany karena dia tidak suka cara berbicara YoonA yang seperti anak kecil
62. YoonA selalu membuat wajah imut sedikit marah apabila Yuri bersedih
63. Di dalam Fans club daum, dia memiliki anggota terbesar di dalam SNSD.
64. YoonA memilih Pulau BALI sebagai tempat bulan madunya.
65. YoonA sangat suka membungkuk sangat rendah
66. YoonA sangat suka naik Roller Coate
67. dia sebenarnya adalah salah satu anggota Soshi yang ramah.
68. dia juga selalu makan sereal sebelum tidur.
69. Ternyata YoonA itu tamu tetap Radio SUJU Kiss
70. Dana CSJH (The Grace) adalah guru vocal YoonA
71. Jam tidur YoonA kurang dari 10 jam per minggu
72. Yoona telah mengakui bahwa dia tidak pernah punya pacar atau siapapun yang mengejar dia. Hal ini karena dia ingin mengejar karir sebelum mengejar cinta pada saat ini.
73. Warna faforit YoonA adalah biru
74. Jessica berpendapat bahwa YoonA merupakan donsaeng yang lucu.
75. HP YoonA adalah Samsung G400 pink.
76. YoonA suka lagu Ballad
77. YoonA ingin menikah diusia 27-28 tahun
78. Yoona menggunakan 3 jenis parfum tapi dia lebih suka menggunakan Minyak Issey.
79. Ketika YoonA marah, dia akan mengeluarkan kata “Im Marah” ribuan kali.
80. YoonA adalh ratu ngemil saat tengah malam
81. YoonA ingin tersenyum seperti Sunny
82. Fans YoonA dikalangan artis biasanya artis cowok
83. YoonA disebut mesin cuci piring SNSD Karena dialah yang sering mencuci piring
84. YoonA memiliki 2 kepribadian, yaitu pria dan wanita
85. Kebanyakan fans YoonA di Korea adalah Ibu-ibu dan orang berumur.
86. Tempat YoonA pertama kali pergi keluar negeri adalah Australia.
87. YoonA sangat menyukai es krim coklat mint
88. Sebenarnya, YoonA tidak bisa berenang
89. YoonA tidak menindik telinganya
90. Orang-orang berpendapat YoonA memiliki ekspresi wajah yang “awesome”.
91. Tahun ini, YoonA terpilih sebagai artis dengan senyum terindah di Korea.
92. Di dalam grup SNSD, YoonA yang sering memperlihatkan sisi naturalnya.

 not indonesian people??  english translation here
1. Yoona was born on May 30, 1990.
2. Yoona has a nickname Deer (deer) because the acting is very active.
3. Yoona a has nickname (Strong Yoona) because she is the strongest member in SNSD, maybe even arguably the strongest member of Korean GB.
4. Yoona is the 3nd Leader Dance of SNSD.
5. Yoona is the youngest of two brothers.
6. Yoona has a eonnie (older sister).
7. Yoona has left her mother as a child because of divorce.
8. Currently, Yoona is the pride of her family.
9. If given the choice, Yoona prefer necklace as items / jewelry favorite.
10. Yoona is one of the most ignorant and meddlesome member in SNSD.
11. Before the debut, BC had Yoona implores, "Please behave like a woman"
12. One of ignorance Yoona, Yuri she never woke at midnight just for showing chicken legs, and make Yuri in bad moody.
13. Yoona and Jessica had made kimbab and sandwich "toxic" for teasing Sooyoung and Tiffany by interfering with various seasoning food in excess, then Sooyoung revenge by making the cereal with a mixture of salt (about 1 packet) and the member who is taxable is Yoona, Yuri and Sunny
14. Taeyeon & Hyoyeon teasing Yoona with bitter chocolate.
15. Yoona teasing Jessica with cucumbers when Yoona know that Jessica hates cucumbers.
16. Yoona can not cook (like Jessica).
17. When asked "Yoona, you are the prettiest member in SNSD. True or not? ".Yoona answered "Ne / O".
18. Yoona is very fond of eating, and she is the 2nd Shikshin (God Of Food) after Sooyoung.
19. Yoona never felt that she was not a good sister to Seohyun.
20. Yoona once said that she was not like singing, but loved acting.
21. Yoona never imagined that a Goo Hye Sun is idolized.
22. In Japan, Yoona favorite food is Sukiyaki and Inari sushi.
23. Yoona choose a type of dry skin
24. Yoona always wear a face mask before bed.
25. Yoona can resist a man in arm wrestling.
26. when a group trip, work Yoona is carrying a heavy suitcase.
27. While still a trainee Yoona had a crush on Yuchun TVXQ.
28. Yoona and Seohyun in same school
29. Yoona known as Queen Ad for having starred in many CF.
30. SNSD Yoona considered a mascot.
31. Yoona SuJu Because once berated members have made SeoHyun cry.
32. Yoona and Hyoyeon been racing bicycles on the streets in Apgujung.
33. Yoona mandarin writing in high school when I was sitting on the web sold for $ 1.00
34. When the roommate Yoona, Sooyoun and Taeyeon never catch cockroaches and burn
35. The story of the experience Yoona, Taeyeon, and Sooyoung as a roommate became a legend for the SME.
36. Brian FTTS's never said in the Strong Heart "I'll make my boyfriend Yoona".Leeteuk directly to the seat and close ears Yoona. For Yoona did not hear the words, understand it, Leeteuk like Yoona.
37. SNSD Yoona is a member with the most fans in Japan.
38. Fans say that Yoona Yoona is the dream of all men.
39. When the initial debut, often absent during SNSD's Yoona got an offer CF or any other event since he was a student.
40. Yoona once rumored to be dating Taecyeon 2PM, Lee Sung-gi and SuJu Yesung, but actually they did like Yoona.
41. Yoona said that the most beautiful member according to GB Sulli F (x)
42. Ryewook never make songs to Yoona.
43. When Happy Share Yoona following the challenge, Kang In advising for Yoona.
44. Yoona frankly worried about the Japanese language problems, and she will learn Japanese better
45. Japanese words Yoona favorite is "Doki Doki" ("Deg-deg" an in Indonesian language) and "Gozaimasu Arigatou" (Thank You).
46. The SNSD member said, "Yoona is very popular and because of its appearance in many shows."
47. For questions, who is the most popular member among them, Jessica and Tiffany Yoona choosing while Sunny and Tae Yeon Soo Young pick.
48. Because Yoona perform in a play, the age group of fans to be varied.Grandma and grandpa - grandfather also like Yoona.
49. Yoona had vacationed with the fans because the contest from Inisfree
50. Yoona was 2 times won the Best New Actress (45th Baeksang Arts Awards and the KBS Drama Awards)
51. Yoona faforit figure is 93
52. Yoona does not like men who faced masculine
53. SNSD Yoona in song faforit is Complete.
54. Yoona liked the color blue.
55. Yoona has a hobby of going to the bathroom boys.
56. Yoona likes to play Go-Stop (Korean Version Poker) while still SD.
57. While still a trainee Yoona never had a crush on Yuchun TVXQ.
58. Dong Woon, Seung Hyun and Jun Hyung B2ST choose Yoona as favorite girl in SNSD
59. Yoona is Strawberry Fruit faforit
60. Yoona ideal guy today is Kimura Takuya, whereas before the Danniel Henne
61. If you liked to call Yuri Yoona because they want to hear funny Yoona, unlike the case with Tiffany because she does not like to talk like a child that Yoona
62. Yoona always make cute little faces when Yuri sad angry
63. Inside the club Fans Daum, she has the largest member in SNSD.
64. Yoona choosing the island of Bali as a place to honeymoon.
65. Yoona really like the bow very modest
66. Yoona really love to ride roller Coate
67. she is actually one of the friendly members of Soshi.
68. she also always eat cereal before bed.
69. It turns out that regular guest Yoona SuJu Radio Kiss
70. Dana CSJH (The Grace) is a vocal teacher Yoona
71. Bedtime Yoona less than 10 hours per week
72. Yoona has admitted that she never had a boyfriend or whoever is chasing him. This is because she wants to pursue a career before the pursuit of love at this time.
73. Yoona faforit color is blue
74. Jessica believes that Yoona is donsaeng funny.
75. HP Yoona is the Samsung G400 pink.
76. Yoona love song ballad
77. Yoona want to get married at age 27-28 years
78. Yoona use 3 types of perfume, but she prefers to use oil Issey.
79. When Yoona angry, she would issue a word "Im Angry" thousands of times.
80. Yoona is queen of snacking at midnight
81. Yoona want to smile like Sunny
82. Yoona fans among boys usually artists
83. Yoona SNSD called a dishwasher Because it was she who frequently wash dishes
84. Yoona has two personalities, the men and women
85. Most Yoona fans in Korea are mothers and old people.
86. Yoona place first go abroad is Australia.
87. Yoona loved mint chocolate ice cream
88. Actually, Yoona cant swim
89. Yoona have'nt making ears pierced
90. People think Yoona has a facial expression that "awesome".
91. This year, Yoona was selected as the artist with the most beautiful smile in Korean.
92. In the group SNSD, Yoona who often show her natural side.

ada yang mau nambahin?? comment ya chingku . gomawo..hehehe..

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Taenggo mengatakan...

mbak mbak .... saya ga setuju fact 4.. soalnya 2nd lead dance SNSD tuh Yuri bukan YoonA. Gomawo

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itu apaan sih link muncul terus di comment section,spam ya ? tp blognya asik,lucu jg si Yoona


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